2023 Flight Donors
Thank you, Niá:wen, merci, to our supporters
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Sustainability Partners (a commitment to 3 years of funding support):
The Smits McLean Family Foundation; Alorani, Cecil and Freya Hahn; Alistair, Kate and Evan Taylor
Flight Friends
Vikki Anderson, Peggy Baker, Murray and Judy Borer, Sandra Caverly, Michelle Crath, Sarah Crawford and David Kirkwood, Andrea Dawes, Trixie Deveau, Hanna Edwards, Susan Geddis, Christine Gillespie, Elain Gold, Janet Goldblatt, Jessica Greenberg, Janet Henry, John Hicks, Karen Kaeja, Donna Krasnow, Samantha Lazarro, Connie LeBrun, Brett Leger and Patricia Olasker, Deborah Ellis and Blair Martin, Pat McKeon, Selma Odom, Terry Orlando, Larry and Uli Scanlan, Sharon Singer, Holly Small in honour of Fern Small, Bill Stearman, Eleanor Vaughan, Keeley Vickerson, Julie White and Ross McGregor, Claire Wootten
And our sincere gratitude to the County Stage: Graham Abbey, Vikki Anderson, Kristen Leboeuf