Flight: a festival of dance between earth and sky
Flight on Stage
7pm August 16-19, 2023
Sparkling evening performances on the County Stage Company’s pavilion stage against a backdrop of the setting sun. Work and artists:
BLUE GROOVE Collaboratively created and performed by members of Groove Tonic and County Arts Community Dancers, with Carol Anderson, Julia Aplin, Arwyn Carpenter & Erik Geddis
FROM THE GROUND UP Choreographed & Performed by acclaimed urban dance artist Libydo
OPEN SEASON Choreographed and performed by Sophie Dow
COMME UNE ABSENCE Choreographed by Canadian modern dance icon David Earle, Performed by Flight’s own Jordana Deveau
CROQUIS by FakeKnot (Ralph Escamillan)
NIGHT VIGIL solo choreographed by Carol Anderson, performed by exquisite young dance artist Natasha Poon Woo with Erik Geddis
ABOUT THE DREAM Choreographed & Performed by rising star dancer/choreographer Jera Wolfe with Natasha Kanapé Fontaine (August 18 & 19 only)
CARRIERS & KEEPERS of the ANCESTRAL SOULS (premiere) Choreographed and performed by Beany John & Sophie Dow
Flight on Site
5pm on August 17 & 18, 10:30am on Aug 20, 2023
The audience will be artfully guided from garden, to meadow, to the pond and will discover a new dance at each site
A SOUNDBATH GALORE! Created & Performed by Mystic Sister and Libydo welcome the audience near the site of The Eddie’s pond-side bar.
SEPHARDIC SONGS Created in 1992 to acknowledge the expulsion of Sephardic Jews from Spain in 1492, this intergenerational cast revisits Sephardic Songs in acknowledgement of the current plight of displaced peoples around the globe. Choreographed by Carol Anderson, performed by Arwyn Carpenter, Jordana Deveau, Kendra Epik, Kristen Foote, Ellis Martin-Wylie, Natasha Poon Woo
SELKIES a dance on the pond on paddle boards. The selkies are mysterious beings who can transform from land to water creatures. Choreographed by Arwyn Carpenter Performed by Julia Aplin, Sophie Dow, Rhianna Harris & students from the Ontario Dance Academy: Rowan Lafayette Brooks, Hayden Clark, Taylor Moore, Madison Orrick, Kaidance Annastacia Smith, & Kayla West with thanks to Crystal Clark & Annastacia Smith
Music by beloved Picton songwriter Kat Burns and Flight favourite Erik Geddis
Costumes by accomplished Bloomfield artist Rhonda Nolan
Community Engagement
In 2023 Flight collaborates with Groove Tonic, a Prince Edward County free-form movement and dance group that meets weekly at Picton's Town Hall. Participants share space and energy, moving however they feel, alongside an eclectic recorded accompaniment of music. Groove Tonic holds space for freedom of expression through movement, and is open to all.
Choreographer Carol Anderson collaborates with Groove Tonic dancers to create BLUE GROOVE, a funky meditation on the colour blue with live accompaniment by pianist Erik Geddis.
Catch BLUE GROOVE as part of Flight on Stage, evening stage performances.